A Decision

Lifting her face, Sara soaked in the absolute peace that surrounded her. The cooling breeze reminded her that the summer days were shortening as was her time here. The unfettered days of her vacation had been a respite from the drudgery of her daily routine and had led to a decision her family would not easily accept. Being the oldest child did not mean she should be the lifetime caregiver of their wheelchair-bound sibling. Either everyone take their turn looking after him; or each person contributes to his care. It was time Sara take back her life.

© Colline Kook-Chun, 2020

(This post was inspired by Friday Fictioneers hosted by Rochelle. The challenge asks for bloggers to write a story in 100 words or less in response to the photo prompt.)

48 thoughts on “A Decision

  1. Oldest siblings are expected to be responsible and take care of everything.
    Tough to regain their life after years of conditioning.
    Others should chip in and share too.


  2. Not an easy decision to make, as Sara, too, has probably felt that it was her responsibility. She has had to fight her own scruples. I hope she has the strength to convince her family to play their part.


  3. If you’ll keep doing what you’re doing, no one will offer to assist you. I hope Sara has the spine to stand up to the whining, excuses, and criticism that is sure to come.


  4. Your is the 3rd story I’ve read so far with a wheelchair in it (mine is one also) which is cool. GMTA. It’s funny how often the scenario where one or two siblings are left to care for an elderly parent. Sometimes there are good reasons for why it happens that way, but sometimes not. I’m glad the MC is going to insist on sharing the load.


    1. Sometimes caring for an elderly parent does fall into the lap of one person with, hopefully, the financial help of the other children. I question the justice of care, though, when it concerns the care of a dependent sibling.

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