A Spring Concert, 2012

The curtain remains closed as people stream in, looking for a place to sit. The hall hums with conversation and exclamations of greeting. Small children settle down in rows in front of the chairs set up for the audience, eagerly anticipating the entertainment their siblings will bring. Adults settle in the chairs, hoping that they have found the best possible seat from which to view their loved ones. It is that time of year: the Spring Concert in which the children`s musical and dramatic talent is showcased. And I am among one of the proud parents waiting to see my children perform.

The curtain at a school concert. © Colline Kook-Chun, 2012

The curtain opens and the show begins. Even though the first act does not include either of my girls, I enjoy the music anyway. These are children I have come to know as I have worked around the school and it is a pleasure to watch them participate. It is like seeing a different facet to their personality.

It is time for my youngest to show off her violin skills. She sits in the front proudly, holding her instrument with ease and familiarity. It is time to begin. The ensemble lift their bows, and begin to play. I am amazed at the beautiful music the group creates – you can hear they have all practised and worked hard on playing together as a group. The difference between hearing her practice at home and play together with her classmates is astounding. I am surprised, too, at my daughter’s confidence when she was so worried to play standing aside from the group without her sheet music.

Her voice also shone when she sang with rest of the junior choir (made up of grade 4,5 and 6 girls). As their sweet voices rang across the hall, I smiled with pleasure. I could see the girls were enjoying themselves as they sang “Donkey Riding”, interspersing their song with action. When the Primary Choir sang (grades 1,2 and 3), I could not believe that it was not so long ago that I was watching my daughters sing in such a big group. Yet another reminder that they are growing up.

My eldest daughter plays the flute. Her class was the second last act of the evening. We had seen a short play (Blanch Neige et les Sept Nains), watched some singing and dancing put together by the drama teacher, and immersed ourselves in the music of the evening. As she plays the flute, she sat in the front – and I could see her clearly. We enjoyed their rendition of Queen’s song “We Will Rock You”, clapping in time with the beat.  How proud the children were to have performed for their parents a song that drew such a response.

The concert ended with a video made by a grade 3 class to showcase the theme co-operation. I am unable to show the video they made – but can share with you the song they used: Toi et Moi (You and Me) by Gregoire. Even if you do not understand French, I am sure you will enjoy the rhythm and beat of the song.

We enjoyed our evening. And as we collected the children afterwards we heard many “I am proud of you” and “you were fantastic”; and saw many children walking up straight with pride and confidence.

Do you enjoy going to school concerts?

© Colline Kook-Chun, 2012

31 thoughts on “A Spring Concert, 2012

  1. I do enjoy the children’s concerts! I especially miss the spring concerts from our Toronto french school. Recently, I saw my eldest son 12-years-old, play flute in his spring concert. Likewise he was confident and I could see how much he worked together with his teacher, respectfully, and with the other musicians. It was such a joy, as a mother to see that all I have taught my son about community and working together for a beautiful goal can bring such joy to the masses!!

    I was/am a proud momma!


    1. They always are at this school as the children and the teachers put in a lot of effort. And of course, there are always many in the audience.


  2. It sounds like you had the most wonderful time! So wonderful to watch our children grow older and to see them share their accomplishments..congrats! I can imagine your pride as her talents continue to grow 🙂


      1. Both my wife and I have music in our backgrounds. After so much time away from instruments, that drew us into a chime choir that in time transformed into a handbell choir.


  3. I never enjoyed school concerts. Here, or maybe just the school my children went to, the school would have the “popular” or teachers “favourites” up the front and getting to do everything and my children would be at the back. They hated it and we ached for them. It was never a great experience. I am glad yours wasn’t like that and you got to enjoy it.


    1. All the children who participate do so because they want to. No teacher forces a child to participate and, from what my children tell me, they enjoy the practices with the teacher involved.


      1. That is really good, and a much better way to do it. It was one of the things I didn’t like about my girls school, but it is also good practice for them in life. Sounds like you had a great time.


  4. Hi,
    Sounds like a fantastic time had by all. It is wonderful to see kids up on stage, I think it helps to give them more confidence as well, being in front of a lot of people they don’t know. Good on them, it is not easy.


  5. Colline, I can’t tell you how many times I sat in that audience and had my heart warmed by not only my own kids but all sorts of kids. I know what it’s like to volunteer and get to know all the kids. This night sounds magical and I can feel what a lovely time you had there. I miss those days as my kids are older and are not participating in those types of performances any more. Enjoy it now my friend! The teen years are wonderful, just different. 😉 Thank you so much for being such a faithful reader of my blog and always having such sweet things to say. Life has been overwhelming lately but do-able, but my blog reading and writing have fallen to the wayside. Take care.


    1. I guess the next round of Spring Concerts for you will be when you attend those of your grandchildren 🙂
      And when you have time, I will continue reading what you write and cake!


  6. Oh I remember being a kid and the nerves of performing. And I played the violin, but I quit after one year and I regret that now. Glad you had fun. Good for the kids!


    1. The children are enjoying playing their instruments so thankfully they are not wishing to put them aside. In addition, they sign an agreement with the teacher that they will not give up for two years – and a promise that they will practise.


  7. This is so beautiful and so proud of dear Colline… I can almost feel how exciting for you. It’s been for a long time I forget how beautiful these children spring parties and shows and concerts… Thank you so much, Blessing and Happiness to you and you your family, love, nia


  8. It sounds like a wonderful time! Sadly no more school programs for me as my kids are much older now. But I was just looking at some old pictures of programs the other day! That’s fun too.


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